About Society

From time to time it has been proved that if we want India to progress, we need to make the progress of villages in India a priority. This point is no more debatable, the debatable point could be that "how to do it?" we certainly have progressed much in terms of science and technologies but the rural areas have not get their due. With the advancement of science coupled with the progress in information and communication technologies its availability has become very easy. For researchers, students and other young entrepreneurs discussing these ideas and making a model for solution to the prominent problems in the rural areas is relatively easy, but when it comes to test their model's feasibility and its impact, its constraints and the challenges that can come in the way of it, we don't have a platform. In absence of a feasibility report and impact assessment the projects/researches are dropped even before they are taken upfor consideration. To see the impact, constraints, challenges we can not use a simulation model, we need to test in the fields at grass root level. For rural areas these issue become even bigger. There we don't have hotels, proper transport, communication means and above all we don't have real ground level socio-economic-cultural information about local demography. This is the gap we at Pandey Kusum Community Foundation strive to fill.
Our Vision
We are fast emerging as the engine of growth for global economy. India with its vast pool of talent and having the highest youth – to – population ratio should be occupying the centre stage in this progress. To do so India has to develop an edge over other major nations by focusing on higher and technical education. With the Euro – American focusing upon India for their growing needs of manpower in the knowledge based sectors; India has the opportunity to emerge as the fulcrum for the higher and technical education for the entire world. The Pandey Kusum Community Foundation endeavors to impart quality education and to build a strong base for pioneering studies across various fields of education, skill development, training, capacity building, research and development etc. The aim is to turn out talent with global vision, worldwide employability and leadership position in all knowledge base sectors across the world.
Our Mission
To promote institutions of higher learning in various fast emerging knowledge based disciplines, for the talented youth where they can acquire most advanced knowledge in their respective disciplines.
Manifest their creative potentials through research and applications.
Develop holistic competence with global vision, local interface, societal orientation, industrial applicability and patriotic passions.
Manifest their creative potentials through research and applications.
Develop holistic competence with global vision, local interface, societal orientation, industrial applicability and patriotic passions.
Director of Pandey Kusum Community Foundation
Kusum Pradeep Pandey
Virat Pradeep Pandey
Gulab Chand Pandey
Virat Pradeep Pandey
Gulab Chand Pandey